Rewarded Video for Developers

Deepen Player Engagement and Retention

PlayerWON® is the only platform that enhances the playing experience for PC and console gamers while letting game developers further monetize games by driving lifetime value and in-game spending via opt-in, TV-quality brand-sponsored video.

Our Gaming Partners

We enable rewarded and sponsored videos for the heavyweights of the console and desktop gaming industry

Encourage Engagement While Rewarding Your Players

Increase Monetization

With over 90%+ of F2P players not spending on in-game transactions and season passes, opt-in sponsored videos present a huge untapped revenue opportunity for developers and publishers.

The PlayerWON Experience

We bring entertaining, full-screen sponsored brand video to free-to-play (F2P) console and PC games that complements - not competes with - gameplay.

Players are in full control of whether or not they view sponsored videos in return for valuable in-game rewards. They can choose to exit the video at any time.

Optimized delivery of sponsored video gives players a way to utilize downtime in between matches, inside the game queue and in other spaces where they’re already engaged.

Sponsored videos feature entertaining, high-quality, fully immersive brand messaging about trusted products and services that matter to gamers.

If players choose to watch sponsored videos to completion, they earn valuable rewards to use in-game immediately and long-term.

PlayerWON in Action

Watch a demo to see how our rewards-based platform works.

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Smite Rewarded Video demo
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Brawlhalla Rewarded Video demo

Gamers Love Being Rewarded For Their Attention

Our studies reveal that when developers implement rewarded sponsored video, player engagement and sentiment increases — as does purchase intent.

86 %Agreed that watching rewarded video incentivized them to play longer
77 %Want the option to watch sponsored video in exchange for in-game rewards
6 +Avg. number of sponsored videos per day that players are willing to watch
96 %Video completion rate

Easy-to-Integrate API

PlayerWON's lightweight ad library does not consume any virtual or physical memory, resulting in hassle-free implementation for your team — no proprietary SDK needed.

What We’re Hearing About PlayerWON

Positive feedback from real players.

“I’d happily binge ads when I’m waiting for friends to get online... Or in between rounds in tourneys.”
“This all sounds great to me! I think it’s nice that you can get some free stuff just by watching!”
“Honestly a pretty great idea and supports F2P if kept optional”

Ready to Play?

Let’s start working together today to reward your players, increase retention, unlock vast new revenue opportunities, and help move gaming into the future.